What is a DE Filter?
How does a DE Filter Work?
A Diatomaceous Earth (DE) filter provides the most effective way to clean your swimming pool. The main components of a DE filter are the DE tank, grids, DE medium and pressure gauge. A DE Filter can filter out particles down to 4 microns, which is about the size of a red blood cell. The filter uses DE to coat and protect the internal grids, and provides the filtering action which enables the filter to remove very small particles. The DE powder is the fossilized remains of ancient aquatic animals, and consists mostly of silica which is an organic material. DE is required for proper operation and filtration of your DE filter.
Benefits of a Clean DE Filter
Save Money
A clean DE filter costs less to operate
Use Less Energy
Your pump won’t have to work as hard when your DE filter is clean
Use Fewer Chemicals
Water flows through a clean DE filter more freely
Ways to Keep Your DE Filter Clean
Backwashing is the process of reversing the flow of water in your DE filter, and flushing the contaminated water out the waste line. Backwashing your DE filter is a good way to keep the DE filter clean in between removal and cleaning of the grids. Backwashing does help remove dirt and debris from your DE grids, but it is not the best solution, as it does not remove all materials. Disassembling and cleaning your grids, by hand, (every 3-6 months) is the best way to ensure all the bacteria, dirt and debris are removed from your DE filter. Staying consistent with both of these practices (backwashing and grid cleaning) will help you maintain a healthy and sanitary DE filter, so you can enjoy your swimming pool.
When to Clean Your DE Filter
Some telltale signs that your filter may need more frequent cleaning can come from checking the pressure gauge, located on top of your filter. The pressure on the DE filter will increase as dirt and debris are removed from your pool. When the pressure on your gauge reads 8 to 10 psi higher than the original starting pressure, manufacturers suggest that DE filters (DE grids) should be cleaned. If you are backwashing on a regular basis, and the pressure gauge continues to read 4 to 5 psi higher than the original starting pressure, this is a good sign that your grids needs to be cleaned. Another good sign to look out for is when your pool is no longer able to keep up with the debris entering your pool. When your pool appears to be dustier than normal and unable maintain a clean pool surface. It is a good sign that your filter is dirty and needs to be cleaned.

DE Filter Service and Maintenance
Full Service Includes
- Disassemble DE filter and remove grids
- Fully clean the inside of DE filter tank
- Thoroughly flush and clean grids with garden hose, removing contaminated DE from the surface of the filter elements.
- Fully disassemble grids from manifold (if needed)
- Inspect grids for tears, holes and broken frame
- Lubricate stand-pipe O-ring and filter tank O-ring with silicone based lubricant
- Reassemble filter
- Re-charge the filter with the correct amount of DE required for your filter
+Lubricate push pull – slide valves (as needed)
+Clean the pump pot basket and pool skimmer basket (as needed)
DE Filter Plans and Pricing
We provide top of the line professional service at a price that you can afford.
View our pool filter plans and choose the one that works best for you.
*We accept credit cards
DE Filter- DE Filter Backwash
- Re-charge DE filter with the correct amount of DE required for your filter
- Inspect filter and pool equipment
- Lubricate push pull – slide valves (as needed)
- Clean the pump pot basket and pool skimmer basket (as needed)
Filter Service
DE Filter Clean- Includes “Full Service” of DE filter
- DE Filter Cleaned one time visit
- Savings $0
DE Filter Clean- Includes “Full Service” of DE filter
- DE Filter Backwash every 3 months; total visits (x2)
- DE Filter Cleaned every 6 months; total visits (x2)
- Savings $30
Service Plan Discounts
3, 4 & 6 month plans are available to backwash and clean your DE filter.
*We accept credit cards
6 Month
DE Filter Clean- Includes “Full Service” of DE filter
- DE Filter Cleaned every 6 months; total visits (x2)
- Savings $10
4 Month
DE Filter Clean- Includes “Full Service” of DE filter
- DE Filter Cleaned every 4 months; total visits (x3)
- Savings $20
3 Month
DE Filter Clean- Includes “Full Service” of DE filter
- DE Filter Cleaned every 3 months; total visits (x4)
- Savings $30

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Diatomaceous Earth (DE)?
DE powder is an organic material made up mostly of silica. It was created from the remains of fossilized aquatic animals.
When should I have my DE filter cleaned?
Manufacturers suggest cleaning your DE filter when the pressure gauge reads 8 to 10 psi higher than the starting pressure. If you are backwashing on a regular basis and the pressure gauge reads 4 to 5 psi above your normal psi, it is a good time have your DE filter cleaned. A pool that stays dirty and isn’t able to keep up normal use, is a good sign that the DE filter needs to be cleaned.
How much DE does my DE filter need?
The amount of DE that is required for your filter is determined by the size of your filter. The size of your filter can be found on the filter’s information tag listed on the outside of your filter. Manufacturers suggest adding 1 pound of DE for every 10sq.ft. of filter area.
How long do DE grids last?
DE grids that are not exposed to excessive dirt, plant and tree debris can last around 2+ years. Excessive debris trapped within the grids can increase the pressure placed on the grids. The increased pressure can damage the internal workings of the grids and create tears.
How can I prolong the lifespan of my DE grids?
You can increase the lifespan of your DE grids by reducing the amount of debris entering into your filter. You can do this by removing or trimming back any trees and plants next to or within close proximity of your pool. With routine backwashing and cleaning of your DE grids, you should get the maximum amount of use out of your grids.
Why is DE blowing back into my pool?
DE blowing back into your pool can be a sign of one or multiple torn grids, bad stand pipe o-ring, cracked standpipe, a bad or cracked manifold or a worn or cracked gasket on the top or side valve. Another cause may be due to a pool pump suction leak that can cause DE to flow into the pool via the skimmer. Some common causes may be a pot basket o-ring, drain plug o-ring or pump union o-rings.
How long should I run my pool pump?
You should run your pool pump long enough so that the water in your pool can turnover 2 to 3 times in a 24 hour period. Pool water turnover equals the amount of time all the water in the pool takes to cycle through the filter. A good rule of thumb for Arizona pools is once the temperature goes above 90°, run your pool pump with the corresponding amount of hours. Ex: 90° = 9 hours, 100° = 10 hours, 110° = 11 hours
Don't Be Shy
We hope you found our DE filter FAQs helpful. If you have a question that has not been answered here, feel free to drop us a line. We may even post it on our website.